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Amy Dawson

Amy Dawson specializes in providing support services to our team and clients.

Amy is a native of Muncie, Indiana. She joined Estep-Doctor & Company in 1993.  She and her husband, Bart, reside in Muncie. She enjoys reading, gardening, walking, and spending time with her family and grandchildren.


Contact Amy Dawson at 765.289.5366, ext. 200 or email

(c) 2023 Estep-Doctor & Company, PC



Full-service Accounting Firm in Muncie, Indiana

Full-service Accounting Firm in Anderson, Indiana

Muncie Office:

3737 W. Bethel Avenue

Muncie, IN  47304

765.289.5366 phone

765.289.3332 fax

Anderson Office:

1320 E. 53rd St., Suite D

Anderson, IN  46013

765.644.8888 phone

765.644.8880 fax

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