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Maximum-Yield Accounting

Farming is a business, but it's not like a lot of other businesses.  The land, the equipment, the cash flow -- all of these create tax and financial situations that are unique to agribusiness today.  Your operation is your livelihood, so turn to experts who understand it for the help and counsel you need to succeed. 


Estep-Doctor & Company offers tax planning, tax preparation, personal property tax returns and other services for farmers and their families.  We understand the unique needs of farm operators in relation to depreciation, prepaid expenses, ability to use the cost basis of accounting, deductions and more. 


You have financing options, tax implications, and estate decisions to make.  (Sometimes all at once!)  Let us help you navigate these situations for the best possible outcomes.


You deserve an expert to help you avoid pitfalls and maximize your potential.  With years of specialized experience in the farming business and a long list of farming clients, let Estep-Doctor & Company be your hired hand.


Farm accounting services are led by Brian Cox, who lives in the middle of farm country in northern Delaware County.  Contact Estep-Doctor & Company with your farm accounting questions now, and we will respond promptly.

What is "Your Success?"

When we say "Your Success Is Our Goal" to a farmer, we know that success is not just about today but about the future of your operation and future generations.  We promise to serve you with excellence -- for all the ways you define success.  Click to contact us today.

Contact Us Regarding Ag Accounting
Farm Contact

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(c) 2023 Estep-Doctor & Company, PC



Full-service Accounting Firm in Muncie, Indiana

Full-service Accounting Firm in Anderson, Indiana

Muncie Office:

3737 W. Bethel Avenue

Muncie, IN  47304

765.289.5366 phone

765.289.3332 fax

Anderson Office:

1320 E. 53rd St., Suite D

Anderson, IN  46013

765.644.8888 phone

765.644.8880 fax

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