Payroll Services
Even in the most diverse pool of employees, one thing is universal: They all think payday is pretty important. Everyone is happy when payday is closer. We recommend that you keep payroll processing closer to you, too.
Estep-Doctor & Company has full-time, experienced payroll experts on staff who are ready to improve payday for everyone -- for you, for your employees, and even the tax people. Contact us for fast quoting and responsive service. For something as important as payday, don't settle for endless voice prompts and boring hold music; make sure the support you need is close by and easy to reach with Estep-Doctor & Company.
In addition to fast, accurate processing of your payroll itself, we are equipped to help you implement direct deposit and pay cards, e-file your quarterly reports and 1099s, and run your 1095s (requirement of the Affordable Care Act).
Our online payroll portal is an easy, streamlined way to view and edit all kinds of information. Use the portal to:
View/add employees
Edit/add W-4 information
View pay stubs
Enter time or choose the automated system that speaks to ours!
Easy trouble-shooting by our team as needed
It's even app-friendly!
Our lead payroll specialist is Chris Garrett. Contact Estep-Doctor & Company with your payroll questions now, and we will respond promptly.
If you use the "big guys"
There are big, faceless, faraway companies that do payroll processing for the masses. They have ever-changing reps who may contact you from time to time. But your contact at the company is not the person doing the work. If a mistake occurs (and they do), you may face lag time before it can be corrected. Not a good situation when people's paychecks are on the line.
Bring payday closer with a free quote from Estep-Doctor & Company. We will analyze your workflow, assess your needs, and quote you a competitive price -- plus a contact you can look in the eye and the superior service you would expect from a business that is also your neighbor.
If you do payroll in-house
If someone inside your company is handling payables, receivables, reconciliations and other bookkeeping functions, wouldn't it be great to take payroll processing off their plate? It would be a huge boost to that person's productivity because payroll isn't one task, it is many.
Even in common bookkeeping systems like Quickbooks or Peachtree*, quarterly reports are not included in every subscription. These reports are complex, time-consuming, and penalties are high if done incorrectly.
Let the payroll experts at Estep-Doctor & Company take on the duties of payroll processing. We will give your inside person journal entries for your Quickbooks or Peachtree system, or provide the export files for easy bookkeeping around paydays. We also have Quickbooks ProAdvisors available who know the systems and speak the language.
* Quickbooks and Peachtree are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Our Payroll Services manager is Kristie Lowe and our lead payroll specialist is Chris Garrett. Now you know the names. It's hard to bring payday any closer than that!
Contact Estep-Doctor & Company with your payroll questions now, and we will respond promptly.